走向赛点这个栏目是专门为青少年网球朋友而设立。在这个栏目中本刊将特聘中外网坛的权威人士、专家和官员,请他们就有关青少年网球运动员训练和培养的问题发表评论。当然,一些曾经培养出著名球星的教练员也是这个栏目的常客。他们将以“过来人”的身份告诉本世纪的青少年网球爱好者,将以怎样的姿态和心态,去探索和思考网球运动的真谛所在。相信在本世纪内,众多的青少年读者中将会有不少人找到自己的成功之路和走向胜利的最后一个赛点。 作者简介:沈建球先生是中国网球界资深高级教练员。他曾先后多次担任过国家网球队和国家青年网球队总教练、教练等职务。近年来,他也受聘参与中国网球协会青少年的工作,多次撰文发表关于提高青少年网球运动水平的专著和文章。
To race point This section is dedicated to young tennis friends and set up. In this section, we will recruit Chinese and foreign tennis authorities, experts and officials to comment on the training and development of young tennis players. Of course, some trainers who have trained well-known stars are also frequent visitors to this section. They will be “over here” to tell this century young tennis enthusiasts, will be in what attitude and attitude, to explore and think about the essence of tennis. I believe in this century, many young readers will be many people find their own way to success and to victory the last match point. About the author: Mr. Shen Jianqiu is a senior tennis coach in China. He has served successively as national tennis team and national youth tennis team coach, coach and other positions. In recent years, he has also been hired to participate in the work of young people in the Tennis Association of China. He has authored several articles and articles on raising the level of youth tennis.