中华人民共和国劳动部 中华人民共和国卫生部 中华全国总工会关于加强夏秋安全卫生工作的联合通知

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各地厂矿企业一九五四年夏秋季的安全卫生工作取得了一定的成绩。有的地区曾在历年安全卫生大检查的基础上,抓住了通风降温、电气安全等专门问题进行了检查,对防正季节性伤亡事故和多发病起了很大的作用。但也有的地区对改善夏秋季安全卫生情况及解决专门问题,还注意的不够,以致晕倒、触电、倒塌等事故曾在去年夏秋间接连发生;有的单位还发生了严重的疾病流行和食物中毒。为了做好今年夏秋季安全卫生工作,各地必须认真总结去年的经验教训,督促当地厂矿企业,在夏秋季到来之前进行一次安全卫生检查,并希注意下列问题:一、组织有关部门推动、协助厂矿企业及早做好通风降温准备工作。督促企业对已有的通风降温设备进行检修校验,加强维护管理,以防设备失效;并应防止有的单位因去年在降温防暑方面进行了一些工作而产生的麻痹自满情绪。对已订出通风降温计划的单位,应督促其及早按照计划施工装置;严格防止盲目抄袭、生搬硬套或未做技术设计与施工计划便草率施工。以致造成花钱多、效果小等浪费现象。在目前技术水 The factories and mines throughout the summer and autumn of 1954 made some achievements in safety and health work. In some areas, on the basis of the large-scale health and safety inspection over the years, they have grasped the special problems of ventilation and cooling, electrical safety and other special problems and have done a lot to prevent seasonal casualties and outbreaks. However, in some areas, accidents such as fainting, electric shock and collapsing happened successively in summer and autumn last year to improve the hygiene and sanitation situation in summer and autumn and solve the special problems. In some units, serious epidemics and food have also taken place Poisoning. In order to do a good job in safety and health work in the summer and autumn of this year, all localities must conscientiously sum up experiences and lessons from last year, urge local factories and mines to conduct a safety and hygiene inspection before the arrival of summer and autumn, and wish to pay attention to the following issues: I. Organizing relevant departments to promote and assist factories and mines Enterprises do a good job early ventilation and cooling preparations. Urge enterprises to carry out overhaul verification of the existing ventilation and cooling equipment and strengthen maintenance and management to prevent the equipment from failing. Parables and complacency due to some work on cooling heatstroke prevention last year should also be prevented. Units that have formulated ventilation and cooling programs should urge them to construct installations in accordance with the plan as early as possible; Strictly prevent blind copying, juggling or unauthorized technical design and construction planning. As a result, more money is spent and the effect is less wasteful. At present technology water
十八、擒贼捉王 一段时间来,采煤十区的许多工人个个像霜打的茄子,无精打彩,工作中还各类事故不断。党支部书记通过专访职工得知,个别工人 Eighteen, capture and capture
这次整个载人飞行全过程,我们共发出437条遥控指令,实施数据注入11次24帧近20万字节,全都做到了准确无误,分秒不差,干净利索,无可挑剔! 北京航天指挥控制中心组建于1996年3月
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