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最近,国务院批复同意《长江中游城市群发展规划》,这是建设长江经济带的重大战略举措。长江中游城市群总面积达31.7万平方公里,相当于日本面积的85%、德国面积的89%。建设城市群是助推经济发展的强大引擎。它的好处就像树多了会成林,而林子大了,才能涵养水源、枝繁叶茂、鸟鸣蝉噪,甚至改变区域小气候。同样,建设城市群,能协调利用各城市资源,聚人气财气。对百姓来说,建设城市群,能方便“同城化生活”。比如能通 Recently, the State Council approved the “Plan for the Development of Urban Agglomerations in the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River”, a major strategic move for building the Yangtze River Economic Belt. The urban area of ​​the middle reaches of the Yangtze River has a total area of ​​317,000 square kilometers, equivalent to 85% of Japan’s area and 89% of Germany’s area. The construction of urban agglomerations is a powerful engine for boosting economic development. Its benefits are as much as the tree will become a forest, while the woods big, in order to conserve water, flourishing, bird song cicada noise, and even change the regional microclimate. In the same way, building urban agglomerations can coordinate the use of resources in cities and gather popular wealth. For the people, the construction of urban agglomeration, can facilitate “city life ”. For example can pass
东风劲吹百花红,群英集会在省城,推动生产大跃进,传播经验又取经,党的指示句句话, East wind blowing red, Qunying rally in the provincial capital, promote the great
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