新发现的公鼐《问次斋稿》出版发行。由该书可见公鼐的文学创作主张和诗歌创作成就。公鼐曾崇拜拟古主义者 ,后来成为拟古主义的反对者 ,认为文学创作是时代的反映 ,随时代发展的 ,“势使然也。”其作品表现出鲜明的政治主见和思想倾向。感慨国事 ,关心民瘼 ;指陈时弊 ,愤世嫉俗 ;热爱生活 ,吟咏亲情 ,讴歌祖国壮丽河山是公鼐诗作的主调。公鼐对多种诗歌体裁运用自如。即地兴思 ,托古讽今 ,引经据典 ,熔化史实 ,为我所用 ,是公鼐诗创作的主要艺术特点。其语言风格沉郁顿挫 ,厚重朴拙 ,时有妙语惊出 ,如古木绽抽新枝 ,古朴与清新和谐统一。仅就《问次斋稿》来看 ,公鼐应该在中国文学史上占有重要地位 ,称得上万历诗坛“巨擘”、“宿望”。
The newly discovered public money “question and answer draft” published. From the book we can see the public literature advocacy and poetic achievements. The public mogul once worshiped the antiquarians and later became the opponents of the antiquarians, believing that literary creation is a reflection of the times and developing with the times. “His works show clear political opinions and ideological tendencies.” Emotional state affairs, concerned about the public 瘼; refers to the pros and cons of Chen, cynical; love life, chant affection, praising the magnificent rivers and mountains of the motherland is the main theme of public 鼐 poetry. Public purse versatile use of poetry. That is, Hing Hing Si, Tau ancient irony, cited by the Code, melting the facts, for my use, is the main artistic characteristics of the creation of Gong Ku poetry. Its language style depressed, thick and simple, sometimes shocked with witty lines, such as ancient wood bloom new branches, simple and fresh and harmonious unity. Just on the “question and answer vegetarian” point of view, public money should occupy an important position in the history of Chinese literature, called Wanli’s poetry “giant”, “look forward to.”