已经播出五百多集的《辛普森一家》里大有科学!不过这也不奇怪,这部著名动画片的编剧有不少曾从事科学研究,拿科学做文章本就是他们的拿手好戏。一天,莉萨·辛普森(Lisa Simpson)向爸爸展示她发明的永动机。你猜荷马·辛普森(Homer Simpson)在他女儿的发明前作何反应?他说:“莉萨,在这个家里,有条家规叫热力学定律!”千万别笑,这位看起来蠢蠢的荷马先生完全没说错!在现
It is not surprising that there have been a lot of science in The Simpsons, which has been shown more than 500 episodes. It is not surprising that quite a few of the well-known animators have engaged in scientific research. One day, Lisa Simpson showed her dad the perpetual motion she invented. Do you suppose Homer Simpson reacted to his daughter’s invention before? “Lisa, there’s a rule in this house called thermodynamics!” "Do not laugh, it looks stupid Mr. Homer is absolutely right! Now