白炜明,1950年生,中共党员,大专文化,主任编辑,山西兴县人。现任《忻州日报》社总编辑,中国地市报研究会常务理事,中国新闻摄影学会理事,省报协常务理事。 1968年2月参军,驻守祖国北疆18年。1971年开始从事新闻工作,八年时间拍摄、采写的新闻照片稿件被新华社、人民日报、解放军报、内蒙古日报采用近千件,与同事共同努力,推出一大批有影响的
Bai Wei-ming, born in 1950, member of the Communist Party of China, college culture, editor in chief, Xing County, Shanxi Province. The incumbent “Xinzhou Daily” editor in chief, China City Daily Research Association executive director, director of China News Photo Society, executive director of the Provincial Press Association. February 1968 joined the army, stationed in the northern part of the motherland for 18 years. In 1971, he started to work in the journalism, took photos for eight years and took photos of the press and was written by the Xinhua News Agency, People’s Daily, People’s Daily, Liberation Army Daily and Inner Mongolia Daily for nearly a thousand articles to work with his colleagues to launch a large number of influential