自Novotny和Alvis 1961年首创眼底荧光血管造影法以后,由于眼科工作者的重视,这种检查法很快就被推广应用,此法系将荧光素钠注入血管内做造影剂,用特定滤光片组合的眼底照相机,连续拍摄荧光素通过眼底循行时的荧光形态。这一方法不仅能在活体上观察到眼底血管的细微结构,且对眼底病的诊断、治疗、疗效观察以及发病机制的研究亦有重大意义。我院从1979年初开始进行荧光血管造影工作。我们先在眼底镜光源上安装4750埃干涉滤光片,对10只家兔进行动物实验,取10%荧光素钠3~5ml由家兔耳静脉注入进行
Since Novotny and Alvis first fundus fluorescein angiography in 1961, due to the attention of ophthalmologists, this method of detection is rapidly being applied. This method injects sodium fluorescein into the blood vessels as a contrast medium, with a specific filter Film combination of fundus camera, continuous shooting fluorescein fluorescence through the fundus morphology. This method not only can observe the fine structure of fundus blood vessels in vivo, but also has great significance for the diagnosis, treatment, curative effect observation and pathogenesis research of fundus diseases. Our hospital from early 1979 fluorescent angiography work. We first install a 4750 angstrom interference filter on the fundus mirror source, and perform animal experiments on 10 rabbits. Take 3 to 5 ml of 10% sodium fluorescein into the ear vein of rabbits