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嗨!大家好!我是石灰,主要成分是碳酸钙,用化学式来表示是:C_aCO_3。我是一块住在青山里面的岩石,那里人迹罕至,但是山清水秀、风景宜人,欢迎大家随时来游玩哦。我本来安静地待在自己幸福的小窝里,每天听着鸟儿的鸣叫,还有溪水缓缓流动的声音,就这样逍遥了成千上万年。但在一个风和日丽的日子,一群戴着黄色头盔,手里拿着图纸的人类走到山里说:“这地区的岩石都含有大量碳酸钙,是上好的建筑 Hi everyone! I am lime, the main component is calcium carbonate, chemical formula is: C_aCO_3. I am a rock living in Castle Peak, where inaccessible, but beautiful, beautiful scenery, welcome to play at any time, oh. I had been quiet in my own haven, listening to the birds’ tweets every day, and the gentle stream of flowing water, so happy for thousands of years. But on a sunny day, a group of people with yellow helmets and paper in their hands walked into the mountains and said: ”The rock in this area contains a lot of calcium carbonate, which is a good building
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课堂教学效果如何,关键在于备课。教师只有深入钻研教材,精心设计课堂教学,不断进行反思,才能取得良好的教学效果,才能实现“每一堂课都成为高效课”的教科研目标。 The eff
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