Indian Centers Prepare School Dropouts For Return To Classroom

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  Millions of children in India drop out of school every year although enrollment(注册人数) at schools in the country is rising.
  To help dropout students, some kind centers are training some of these children to return to school. At these centers, children learn to read and write so they can study what they have missed when they are out of school.
  One student, 8-year-old Muskan Khatoon, is enrolled at a center in a poor neighborhood in New Delhi. Before going to the center, she had moved to a village after her father had an accident which put him out of work in the city. She dropped out of the village school after struggling with a common problem in areas in the countryside: poor teaching.
  “I did not get books, the teacher used to teach for two hours, then go home,” she said.
  Because Muskan fell behind, she could not get into a regular(常规) school when she returned to New Delhi. There are millions of children in India like her. In 2014, nearly 20 percent of children did not complete primary education.
  Obstacles to education
  Sakshi is a teaching center that gives dropouts the skills they need to return to regular schools.
  Zuber Khan is Director at Sakshi. He says thousands of people from the countryside are flowing into cities in search of jobs. He says they struggle to register(注册) their children in schools.
  Khan says that such families often come in the middle of the school year when school registration is closed. And they often do not have any proof of identification.
  There are other problems that keep children out of school although free primary education in India is now a right.
  Amina Jha teaches at the Sakshi center. She says many children stay at home to do housework and take care of brothers and sisters as both parents work.
  “Especially girls. There are 19 children in my class who do not know the basic alphabet(字母表).”
  1. The centers help dropout children by __________ .
  A. helping them read and write
  B. helping them enroll at school
  C. helping their parents get jobs
  2. Muskan Khatoon dropped out of the village school __________ .
  A.because she is enrolled at a center in New Delhi
  B. because her father had an accident
  C. because there was poor teaching in the village
  3. How many children do not know the basic alphabet in Amina Jha’s class?
  A. 8 B. 19 C. nearly 20 percent
  4. Sakshi center needs to ________ .
  A. help people from the countryside search job
  B. give dropouts the skills they need to return to regular schools
  C. go to dropouts’ home to take care of their brothers and sisters
  肖晋波 供稿
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