一直以来.人们都会用“散发着油墨清香”来形容新鲜出炉的报纸,不过如今.可能情况就大不一样了.你拿到的报纸可能发出蛋糕的奶油味道,或者水果的幽香.让你奇怪它到底是用来看的.还是用来吃的。这一切.都只不过是营销人士进行“嗅觉”营销的手段而已.就连大报《洛杉矶时报》(The Los Angeles Times)都开始打起了“香味报纸”的主意。它在近期一个32页,有关秋季电
It has always been possible to describe freshly baked newspapers with “exudes of ink”, but today the situation may be quite different. The newspaper you get may have a creamy taste of cake or a faint fragrance of fruit. You wondered if it was used to look at it or to eat it. All this is just a marketing tactic for marketers to “smell.” And even the big newspaper, the Los Angeles Times, is starting to smell the idea of a “scented newspaper.” It’s a 32-page, about autumn electricity in the near future