what facts that are influence on media policy and how to shape media in the national and internation

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  Business dictionary (n.d.) provides information,which “media” can be defined in communication channels through education,entertainment,promotional message or data are disseminated.“Media” also including narrowcasting medium and broadcasting,like,television,radio,newspaper,magazines also Internet.In addition,“media” is a popular way for people to get everyday news.For instance “media” can be a role to produce political ideas,like social action group can shape the public policy priorities and agenda through media.“Media” also can be a way to supervise,such as social institution or public officials need to provide report or interview with media.According these two examples,“media” can be a direct political actor.
  “Media” has own policy.The idea is “media” has strong persuasiveness and power in today’s society.Also media not only generates values for commercial,it get power to influence in the social significance,culture and economic,like broadcasting media influence in the people’s attitudes and beliefs to society.(McChesney,1998)
  On the other hand,in the different countries,the media policy is different.Therefore,in the different countries have unique media environment.Ostgaard (1965) emphasized that,when media produce a news need to consider newsworthy and what information can attract audiences’ attention.Also media has been managed by government.So when media provides news would control by local government,it’s because every government has own policy in the censorship.This essay would discuss the media censorship environment between China and Cuba.
  China is a largest country in the Asia.In China,government implements authoritarian policies in media for a long time.This behavior is going to prevent any challenges to the Chinese political authority,such as,in China,Chinese government use monitoring system to control media.If any types of media provide news which influence government public image in people’s mind,and transfer some news which sensitive to Chinese political issue,then government will block it.For example,in China,people cannot get into some western websites,like “YouTube”,“Facebook” and “Twitter”.The same reason for Chinese government blocked is,these website provide many news which are sensitive to the Chinese political issue.(Bennett,2011)
  The aspect in official media policy in China,with Chinese society become global,the government trying to get more information to balance the maintaining power and controlling news content.(Bennett,2011).According to Elizabeth (2011) emphasized that,Chinese government would like to block the news which are sensitive to the political issue is,the government worried about if “media” goes to freedom,it could be a way to make the regime’s downfall.   In addition,in the China’s constitution said,the Chinese citizens have totally freedom to press and speech.However,in the Chinese law point out,any form of media cannot provide any news and language to sharing national secrets or sensitive topics in political issue.It is really difficult to define in the national secrets and sensitive topics.As result,government could be used to censor any information which they think is harmful to the political.
  Cuba is one of the island countries in the Caribbean.The Castro government maintains a monopoly on any forms of media through nations.“Media” in Cuba never has freedom to report news.The government maintains a policy of constant repression for any forms of media.(Jamaica,2012) According to Norvell (2004) “media” in Cuba are belong to the local government.The foreign media cannot invest in Cuban’s media,and Cuba government does not allow foreign film,television show and radio play in Cuba.Along with the ownership control,also one of the media rule is:the journalists from Cuba cannot work with non-Cuba journalists.
  For example,in today’s society,“Internet” would be a useful tool for people to get news around world.However,in the Cuba,there only have 2 percent people online.The idea is government bans private Internet connection,because government thinks this behavior can protect state security.(Sanyamarit,2010)
  The famous case for repression in Cuba,which is Yoani Maria Sanchez Cordero created a blog.This blog is discuss about the free expression,in the blog is major talk about critical portrayal of Yoani’s life in Cuba.In addition,Yoani use critical theory to talk about the government repressive cultural policies.The reason is Yoani has different views in freedom speech with local government.Moreover,because of Yoani has different opinion with local government,according to the local law,Yoani’s behavior can be decided in crime of treason.Then,government blocked Yoani’s blog website in Cuba.(Sanyamarit,2010)
  In conclusion,even media is important way for people to get everyday news around world.However,based on different countries have different media environment and policy,people might get information everyday or credibility news.The essay has been discussed the media censorship environment between China and Cuba.As the result,China and Cuba both are developing countries,and there have similar policies in the “media”,which are both countries are government implement authoritarian policy in media.   References:
  [1]Bennett,I (2011) Media Censorship in China,http://www.cfr.org/.accessed 6th Spetember,2012,http://www.cfr.org/china/media-censorship-china/p11515.
  [2]Business Dictionary (n.d.) Media,http://www.businessdictionary.com/,accessed 5th September,2014,http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/media.html.
  [3]Jamaica (2012) Cuba press,Media,TV,Radio,Newspaper,http://www.pressreference.com/,accessed 7th September 2014,http://www.pressreference.com/Co-Fa/Cuba.html.
  [4]McChesney,Robert W,1998,The political economy of global media,Media Development 4/1998.
  [5]Norvell,D,G.(2004) From Propaganda to PR:A Guide to Cuba’s mass media,http://havanajournal.com/ accessed 7th September,2014,http://havanajournal.com/culture/entry/from_propaganda_to_pr_a_guide_to_cuba_mass_media/.
  [6]Ostgaard,Elinar,1965,‘Factors influencing the flow of news,’ Journal of Peace Research,2(9):pp.39-63.
  [7]Sanyamarit,G.(2010) Internet Censorship Around World Part 3 Cuba,http://www.plusultratech.com/,accessed 7th September 2014,http://www.plusultratech.com/2010/11/internet-censorship-around-world-part-3.html.
【摘要】随着经济全球化的发展,英语已经成为一种国际语言,掌握英语已经成为一种趋势。可是目前很多学生在英语学习方面都出现了“哑巴英语”的现象,并没有真正实现“教学做合一”,学生并不能灵活熟练地运用英语。为了让学生能够自主学习英语,并能够流利地说出一口地道的英语,教师在高中英语教学中要注重采用“教学做合一”的教学思想,促进学生掌握学习策略,提高学习能力。  【关键词】高中英语 教学做合一 高效课堂  
【摘要】关注每一位学生全面成长和学习的进步,是新课改下对英语教学提出的较高要求。每一个班级的学生学习成绩和和综合素质参差不齐,具有明显的层次性、差距甚大。只有因材施教,实施层次教学才能提高英语教学质量,才能实现由“良莠不齐”到“百亩良田”的真正转变。本文以牛津英语7A Unit3 Reading为例,谈谈自己的做法和体会。  【关键词】初中英语 课堂教学 分层教学  “良莠不齐”,原指一块田地里的
【摘要】文学与语言之间有着强烈的关联,长期以来,我国大学公共英语教学常重视和讲授语言技能,忽略文学在语言教学中的重要作用。为了培养跨文化的复合型人才,大学公共英语文学教学改革势在必行。本文讨论了英语文学教学的必要性以及如何在大学公共英语教学中进行文学渗透。  【关键词】大学公共英语教学 融入英语文学  一、序言  在我国,英语的教学和学习实用主义倾向和功利倾向贯穿始终。初中和高中,英语课上充斥了语
【微视频制作背景】  教学微视频属于教师信息化资源设计,以流媒体形式展示,紧紧围绕某个知识点或教学环节开展的简短、完整的教学片段活动。微视频可以运用于学习者自主学习,强化重点,化解难点,巩固并拓展学习者的知识和能力。  小学三年级学生刚刚接触英语学习,怀有浓厚的兴趣。他们对课前布置的预习小诗,虽然有兴趣预习,却不知道具体怎么预习,应该预习到什么程度。为了帮助学生真正落实预习任务,完成课前的自主学习
【Abstract】Music curriculum plays a significant role in pupils’ school education. The connection between National Curriculum and practical classes becomes the most important ability for teachers. This
【摘要】学生是学习的主体。义务教育课程标准指出,语文必须根据学生身心发展和语文学习特点,爱护学生的好奇心、求知欲,鼓励自主阅读,自由表达。阅读是学生的个性化行为,不应该以教师的分析来代替学生的阅读实践。要充分发挥学生自身的潜能,提高学生的阅读能力,从而在生活中能够感受事物的美好,对感兴趣的人物和事件都能有自己的想法。  【关键词】自主潜能 自主阅读能力 小学生 培养策略  小学生的自主阅读是对小学
【摘要】评价理论的发展是以系统功能语法为基础,并对系统功能语言学进行的补充与扩展。运用评价系统中的态度系统分析研究李娜在澳网决赛夺冠后新闻发布会上,回答记者提问的话语,进而分析出各评价手段使用频率不同的原因,揭示出李娜语言中所蕴含的态度并实现其人际意义。  【关键词】评价理论 情感 判断 鉴赏 李娜的话语  一、引言  2014年1月25日,在经历了前两次澳网决赛的失利之后,李娜顶住巨大的压力,终
【Abstract】The ultimate goal of second language vocabulary acquisition (SLVA) is to improve cross-cultural competence (CCC).From the perspective of CCC,this writing is to investigate the influence of t
【摘要】现代教育观点认为教育应该以学生为中心,教育改革应该因材施教、促进学生的个性发展和提高学生的多元能力。本文推介广州医科大学“以生为本”的外语课程教学改革新模式,证明“以生为本”的教学充分发挥了英语课程教学的工具性与人文性作用,符合当前大学英语教学转型发展的需要,同时反思教师在教学改革中的作用和存在的不足,指出教师的教学管理能力应该进一步加强。并且坚持走多元化和个性化发展的教学道路。  【关键
【摘要】小学英语课堂的逆袭意味着课堂教学的多元化和现代化。绘本的介入让教学设计更为丰满有型。绘本与教材的有效结合不仅能够提高学生英语学习的兴趣,更能培养悦读的品味和文化意识。绘本的运用更更让学生了解原汁原味的英文,体验欧洲文化,拓展视野。本文围绕着绘本阐述了其对教学的渗透和在教学中的运用。  【关键词】英语绘本 悦读 实践研究  随着英语新课程标准的颁发,对于课堂的要求就越来越高。不仅要合理利用和