正当全党、全军、全国各族人民欢 庆香港回归之际,我们又迎来 了中国人民解放军建军70周 年的大喜日子。江泽民主席在建军七十周年的重要讲话中指出:“我军是一所革命的大学校。七十年来,这所大学校为中国革命和建设事业培养了一批又一批文武双全、德才兼备的干部。他们不仅懂军事,能治军,会打仗,而且懂政治,会做党的工作、群众工作和社会工作。在战争年代,他们是党宣传群众、组织群众、武装群众、帮助群众建立革命政权的骨干力量、在和平时期,他们又成为党政机关以及各条战线干部的重要来源。这是人民解放军的一个特殊贡献。”下面我就加强人才培养,推进军队质量建设问题谈点学习体会: 人才是治军强军之本 人的素质的高低,直接决定着部队战斗力的强弱,决定着军队质量建设水平的高低。江主席反复强调要把提高我军干部队伍的素质,作为全军“一个亟待解决的问题”,“一个紧迫
At a time when the entire party, the army and people of all ethnic groups in China celebrate the return of Hong Kong, we have ushered in the great joy of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army. In his important speech on the seventieth anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, President Jiang Zemin pointed out: “Our military is a revolutionary large-sized university. For the past 70 years, the university has trained a batch of other civil, military and civil servants for the cause of Chinese revolution and construction. They have not only learned the military, they can govern the army, they will fight, but also understand politics, and they will do the Party’s work, mass work and social work.In the war years, they were the party’s propaganda masses, the masses and the armed masses In the peaceful period, the masses have established an important source of revolutionary regimes, and they have also become an important source of party and government organs and cadres of various fronts, which is a special contribution made by the PLA. ”Now I will talk about strengthening personnel training and promoting army quality building Learning point of experience: Talent is the level of the quality of the army itself, a direct determination of the strength of the fighting force, determines the level of the quality of the army. President Jiang repeatedly stressed the importance of improving the quality of the ranks of our army cadres as a “pressing issue for the entire army” and "an urgent