较高的母婴死亡率不仅与社区贫困紧密相关,而且与家庭贫困互为因果。目 前,在贫困人口的食品短缺问题逐渐获得缓解的情况下,消除健康贫困特别是降低贫困户 孕产妇和婴儿健康风险的议题理应尽快纳入政府扶贫日程。中国扶贫基金会在加强乡村 妇幼保健网、重设激励机制、改善村级保健服务和直接援助贫困户妇女儿童方面的制度创 新,为政府在更广阔的范围内实施此类项目提供了有益的经验。
Higher maternal and infant mortality rates are not only linked to community poverty but also cause and effect of family poverty. At present, the issue of eliminating healthy poverty, especially reducing the risk of maternal and infant health among poor households, should gradually be brought into the government poverty alleviation agenda as the food shortage problem of the poor people gradually eases. China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation (CFPA) has provided valuable experiences for the government to implement such projects on a broader scale in strengthening rural MCH networks, resetting incentives, improving village-level health services and directly supporting women and children living in poverty. .