
来源 :中国民族 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ankang1991
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青海——国内工业发展最薄弱的地方。我们曾经看到它步履蹒跚的脚步,技术落后,资金不足,运输紧张,原材料短缺……今年,青海国营和集体企业的发展,依然面临许多矛盾与困难:由于国家收缩信贷规模,地方财政有限,第一季度全省资金缺口1亿元,许多企业处于停产半停产状态;交通运力不足,陇海线只能满足三分之二的物资外运。若利用汽车,运费过高,得不偿失;原材料极缺,不少国有大中型企业生产原料都要从省外运进,常常因为原料供应不上而连续亏产;全省亏损企业面近54%,亏损额达11952万元,增亏67%。只有个别大中型企业效益尚可。相比之下,个体、私营及小型集体企业却异军突起,发展蓬蓬勃勃。西宁民族金银首饰厂,就是这样一家小厂。1983年建厂时,一无 Qinghai - the weakest place for domestic industrial development. We have seen its faltering steps backward in technology, lack of funds, tight transportation and shortage of raw materials ... This year, the development of state-owned and collective enterprises in Qinghai still faces many contradictions and difficulties. Due to the scale of credit contraction in the country and the limited local finance, The first quarter of the province’s funding gap of 100000000 yuan, many enterprises in the suspended production suspension state; lack of transport capacity, Longhai line can only meet two-thirds of the material Sinotrans. If the use of motor vehicles, freight is too high, outweigh the benefits; lack of raw materials, many large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises have to transport raw materials imported from outside the province, often because of the supply of raw materials and continuous losses; loss-making enterprises in the province nearly 54% Loss amounted to 119,520,000 yuan, an increase of 67%. Only some large and medium-sized enterprises benefit is acceptable. In contrast, individual, private and small-scale collective enterprises have emerged as unique and prosperous. Xining ethnic gold and silver jewelry factory, is such a small factory. In 1983 when the factory, nothing
Cajal於 185 2年 5月 1日 1生於西班牙北部一个寒村Petilla。名 Santiago,姓 Ramón y Cajal,Ramón为父姓 ,Cajal为母性 ,按西班牙的习惯同时冠父姓及母性。父亲 Ramón yCa
本文主要阐述国道G4215线高速公路上两座控制性连续刚构特大桥在箱梁梁体合龙段施工合龙方法上的差异并进行对比。 This paper mainly elaborates the differences between
撒拉族与藏族长期交往,藏语对撒拉语产生了深刻影响。藏语的o借入后,使得撒拉语的代词系统发生了变化,形成了与其他亲属语不同的形态特点。 Salar ethnic groups have lon