采用K2 O作助熔剂直接拉晶法和气相输运平衡技术制备出了高质量近化学计量比铌酸锂晶体 ,研究了铌酸锂晶体中的 [Li] [Nb]比含量对其畴反转结构和极化电场的影响 .实验结果表明 :随着晶体中 [Li] [Nb]比的提高 ,畴极化反转电场呈明显下降趋势 ,使用近化学计量比铌酸锂晶体 ,在 4 .0± 0 .5kV mm大小极化电场条件下 ,成功地实现了 1.0mm厚度的周期极化畴反转 .并用铌酸锂晶体的Li空位缺陷模型对上述实验结果给出了合理的解释 .
High-quality near-stoichiometric lithium niobate crystals were prepared using K2 O as flux direct crystal pulling method and gas-phase transport equilibrium technique. The effects of [Li] [Nb] Structure and polarization electric field.The experimental results show that with the increase of [Li] [Nb] ratio in the crystal, the reverse electric field of the domain polarization obviously decreases. Using near-stoichiometric lithium niobate crystals, The polarization reversal of 1.0 mm thick was achieved successfully under the polarization electric field of 0 ± 0.5 kV mm, and the Li vacancy defect model of lithium niobate crystal was used to explain the above experimental results.