中国铝业山东分公司矿业公司自2000年推行厂务公开以来,根据自身的特点,健全机构,完善制度,循序渐进,落实到位,让广大员工知矿情、明矿事、议矿政,形成浓厚的民主管理氛围,增强了企业的凝聚力和向心力,促进了矿业的改革和发展。 健全机构 完善制度 2002年初,矿业公司在前两年运作实践的基础上,健全厂务公开机构,成立了厂务公开领导小组、厂务公开监督考核小组、厂务公开办公室,聘请了13名厂务公开监督信息员,设立了厂务公开栏和厂务公开意见箱,并根据实际情况,完善厂务公开制度,先后讨论修改了《矿业公司实行厂务公开制度实施意见》和《矿业公司关于对
Since the opening of factory affairs in 2000, Chalco Shandong Branch Company has perfected the system and perfected the system according to its own characteristics, and has put it into practice step by step so as to let the majority of staff know the situation of miners and miners, The democratic management atmosphere, enhance the cohesion and solidarity of enterprises, and promote the reform and development of the mining industry. Improve the system to improve institutions In early 2002, based on the first two years of operational practice, mining companies to improve the public bodies open factory, set up a factory open leadership team, open supervision and inspection of factory inspection team, open office of the factory, hired 13 plants Open supervision of information workers, the establishment of the factory open column and factory open suggestion box, and according to the actual situation, improve the factory open system, has discussed and amended the “implementation of the open system of mining companies to implement the views” and "mining company on Correct