华兹华斯是英国“湖畔派诗人”中一位最重要的代表人物 ,他在 180 0年再版的《抒情歌谣集》的序言中阐明了他关于诗的重要理论 ,并以此写出了大量清新典雅的浪漫主义诗歌 ,一改在诗坛盛行了近一个世纪的矫揉造作的新古典主义诗风。文章归纳总结了他的四点重要诗论 :一、诗人应从最接近于大自然的淳朴的人民大众中寻找题材 ;二、诗人应用活在人们口头上的朴素的语言来写作 ;三、诗人在描写人们日常生活中的事件和情境时 ,应加以想像 ,使它产生不同寻常的效果 ;四、诗人应善于从寻常的素材中挖掘出不同寻常的人生哲理 ,展示人性中最本质的东西。
Wordsworth, one of the most important representatives of the “poet by the Lake”, elaborated his important theory of poetry in the preface of the “Lyrical Ballads” reprinted in 180 years and wrote it A large number of fresh and elegant romantic poetry, changed in poetry popular for nearly a century of artificial neoclassical poetic style. The article summarizes his four important poems: First, the poet should look for the subject from the honest people closest to nature. Second, the poet should use the simple language spoken by people to write. Third, To depict events and situations in daily life should be imagined so that it produces extraordinary results. Fourth, poets should be good at digging out the unusual philosophies of life from the ordinary materials and revealing the most essential things in human nature.