网页游戏作为一种特殊的游戏类型,WEBGAME由来已久,对广大早期的网游玩家而言并不陌生。早在网络游戏盛行之前的Mud时代就已经存在,并凭借其方便性和简易性吸引了一大批早期的网页用户。以《第九城市》《笑傲江湖》等为代表的早期作品多是基于BBS社区和聊天室为基础扩展而来,其可玩性虽然不高,内容也不够丰富,但是交流性和交互性极强,已经初步具备了网游的基本特征。而随后的《king wars》和《战神》等策略型WEBGAME则已经完全脱离了交流社区的范畴,而正式发展成为独立的游戏类型,并开始逐步提高其游戏性和可玩性,在内容设计和系统数值上也有了进一步地深入和完善。
As a special type of web game, WEBGAME has a long history and is no stranger to the early majority of online gamers. The Mud era existed long before online games prevailed and attracted a large number of early web users with its convenience and simplicity. Early works represented by “The 9th City”, “Swordsman” and others are mostly based on the BBS community and chat rooms. Their playability is not high and content is not rich, but the communication and interaction Strong, has initially possessed the basic characteristics of online games. However, the subsequent strategic WEBGAME such as “king wars” and “God of War” has completely departed from the category of communication community and formally developed into an independent game type, and began to gradually improve its gameplay and playability. In terms of content design and System values have also been further deepened and improved.