肺结核病例登记报告管理是一项细致、复杂的工作。我们制订了适合目前本县情况的肺结核登记报告实施方案。自1982年7月1日开始在全县范围内试行以来,工作开展尚称满意,持别是在防止重报问题上,取得了一定经验,兹将试行情况报告如下: 一、肺结核病例登记报告方案的设计根据我国目前县以下防痨网不健全的实际情况,要使县一级登记报告做到及时、准确,必须有一个适合县级具体情况的执行方案。各地条件不同,采取的方法也要相应改变,才能保证登记报告和管理工作的正常开展。例如大城市的成熟的登记管理方法可能就
Tuberculosis case registration report management is a meticulous and complex task. We have developed an implementation plan for tuberculosis registration reports that is appropriate to the current situation in our county. Since July 1, 1982, started trial work in the county since the work is still satisfied with the implementation of the other is to prevent the issue of restatement, has gained some experience, we will report the trial are as follows: First, the case of tuberculosis registration report Design of the program According to the actual situation of the current anti-counterfeit network in our country below the county level, in order to make the registration report at the county level timely and accurately, there must be an implementation plan suitable for the specific situation at the county level. The conditions vary from place to place and the methods adopted should be changed accordingly to ensure the normal operation of registration and management. For example, sophisticated metropolitan registration management methods are possible