海湾安全技术股份有限公司从1993年创立到现在,整整10年。这在中国消防产业的历史中并不算长,但这是值得回忆的10年。 10年前,以宋佳城为代表的几位不甘寂寞的青年科技工作者以科技产业报国理想,毅然辞去公职,“下海”创立海湾公司,从事火灾自动报警新产品的科研和开发。现在,海湾公司已拥有50多家驻外分支机构,年创产值近10亿元,年实现和税上亿元。不可否认,海湾公司已成就了在全国电子消防产业中的霸主地位,10年的创业终获成功。 这是海湾人艰苦创业的10年,也是一个消防高科技民营企业从创业到成就卓越的10年。
Gulf Security Technology Co., Ltd. was founded from 1993 to the present, a full 10 years. This is not a long history in China's fire protection industry, but it is worth remembering for 10 years. Ten years ago, some unscrupulous young science and technology workers, represented by Song Jiacheng, decided to resign their posts in the public service with the idea of applying science and technology industry to the country. “Xiahai” founded the Gulf Company and engaged in scientific research and development of new products for automatic fire alarm. Now, the Gulf Company already has more than 50 overseas branches, with an annual output value of nearly 1 billion yuan and an annualized tax of 100 million yuan. Undeniably, the Gulf Company has achieved the dominance in the national electronic fire protection industry, and its 10-year undertaking has finally succeeded. This is the Persian Gulf people 10 years of hard work, but also a high-tech fire-fighting private enterprises from entrepreneurship to excellence for 10 years.