In classic paintings, a lot was on bibli-caI figures and historical events, reli-gious or heavenly scenes. Such subjectsas Last Supper,Reclining Venus have been pre-sented by artists of different generations in theirpaintings. In sculptures, the death of Jesus Christand heroism of David have had many different ver-sions and are done with different materials.Theyare images of idealized beauty to symbolize stabilityand eternity.But the French impressionists made a cleanbreakthrough of this tradition of stability. Theypainted what Emile Zola called“a slice of life”.Among the well-known impressionist painters
In classic paintings, a lot was on bibli-caI figures and historical events, reli-gious or heavenly scenes. Such subjects as Last Supper, Reclining Venus have been pre-sented by artists of different generations in theirpaintings. In sculptures, the death of Jesus Christand heroism of David have many different ver-sions and are done with different materials. Theyare images of idealized beauty to symbolize stability and eternity.But the French impressionists made a cleanbreakthrough of this tradition of stability. Theypainted what Emile Zola called “a slice of life ”. Among the well-known impressionist painters