“The Garden Party”: Witness of a Girl’s World and the Real World

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  【Abstract】“The Garden Party” is Katherine Mansfield’s most outstanding short story. The writer loves the life in New Zealand, but doesn’t avoid portraying the shades and dissatisfactions within it. The story went that the girl Laura’s family had planned to have a party, but meanwhile a workman died in the neighborhood, so Laura suggested cancelling the party, which was thought ridiculous by the adult members in the family. This paper is to analyze the moral changes inside Laura, as is seen that she felt astonished and cold about her family’s ruthlessness and realized some value distance between her and other family members. Based on the above analysis, this paper aims at revealing the collision between the innocent child soul and the distorted adult world.
  【Key words】The Garden Party; Katherine Mansfield; Laura
  “The Garden Party” intensively embodies the universal characteristics of all Katherine Mansfield’s excellent short stories: “plain plots, indicative language, allegorical motifs” (Yu 108). It views the adult world from the eye of a little girl Laura. Underlying the childlike narration exists the writer’s concern about class conflicts, dream and reality, life and death, etc. Mansfield pioneers in the use of interior monologue and suggests a whole new way of life by tender touches and strokes, made with clarity of detail and exactitude of observation.
  The story of “The Garden Party” is simple: the very wealthy Sheridan family was going to have a garden party. During the preparation, the news came of a dead workman’s death. The daughter Laura, with her great sympathy, insisted that the party should be canceled off, but everyone else laughed at her silly idea. The party went on as usual. Later Laura’s mother asked her daughter to send the leftover food to the dead man’s family. However, the story is actually not what it seems to be. It embraces the individual psychological development and the social circumstances in miniature.
  With the control of Mrs. Sheridan behind her back, Laura came into a social role on behalf of her family for the first time. She went to conduct the workers, trying to look severe:
  “Good morning, ” she said, copying her mother’s voice. But that sounded so fearfully affected that she was ashamed, and stammered like a little girl, “oh-er-have you come-is it about the marquee?” (Mansfield 226)
  Unconsciously, Laura attempted to carry on her family’s social status and to behave like a hostess in front of the hirelings. She imitated the tones and acts of the upper class, but the instinctive innocence of a child dissatisfied herself with what she had artificially done. Soon she resumed her pure girlhood. Laura found that a tall fellow of the workers “pinched a sprig of lavender” and “snuffed up the smell” (227) dreamingly. And from the trivial thing, Laura got a new understanding of the group despised by her mother and sister: the laborers loved life, beauty and nature. “Oh, how extraordinarily nice workmen were, she thought. Why couldn’t she have workmen for her friends rather than the silly boys she danced with and who came to Sunday night supper? She would get on much better with men like these.” (227) She “felt just like a work-girl” (227) with her preference to a refreshing living way.   That very morning, Laura was forced to enter the adult world in the appearance of a hostess. According to her family cultivation, Laura would very likely become a member of the “decent” circle, which viewed hypocrisy, snobbery and insensitivity as its virtues. However, due to the calling of a child’s nature, the pure and natural beauty overwhelmed the erosion done by her family prejudice on the working group. Laura discovered something dramatical and started to re-examine the essence of the environment.
  Not far from the Sheridan’s family were little cottages of poor people. “True, they were far too near. They were the greatest possible eyesore, and they had no right in that neighborhood at all” (231). These were forbidden places for the Sheridan children, as they were afraid that they would learn dirty words of those “chaps”. Obvious class gap revealed itself in the contempt shown by the “superior” people. It went naturally that Laura’s mother and sister thought it ridiculous to cancel the party just because a workman in the neighborhood died. But it was not accepted by Laura to have the band sing while the dead man’s wife and children were crying nearby. She felt astonished and cold about her family’s ruthlessness and realized some value distance between her and other family members. Laura began to doubt whether the previous values were moral or not. The distorted adult world and the innocent child soul clashed with each other. The girl deviated from her designed life track, with all her former confidence and self-approbation swept. Implicitly, here the author deepens her criticism on the prototype of the story materials—New Zealand and the family life there. Actually, most of Mansfield’s good works share a deep root in the culture of her homeland, which provides her with much of the aspiration she comes with. She loves the life in New Zealand, but doesn’t avoid portraying the shades and dissatisfactions within it. This story witnesses her dialectical attitude in dealing with her mother country.
  The story went that: To pacify Laura, and meanwhile to show that she was also a sympathetic person, Mrs. Sheridan had her daughter take the party’s leftovers to the victim’s family. Laura seemed to have perceived a different world and a different life at the sight of the dead man on the bed. A kind of mystic atmosphere surrounded her: she didn’t know what it was—terror, sadness, temptation, sympathy, detachment or spiritual elevation? She only had to quit in a hurry with no answer to her inner question. “isn’t life, ” she stammered to her brother, “isn’t life—”(237). She couldn’t speak out what she had experienced internally, but she did have got a new understanding of life. No words followed isn’t life—, for the writer intended to leave enough space for the reader to fill in the blank: isn’t life so favoring the rich over the poor, so mystic and far—fetched, so transient and terrifying? Is it really a sensuous acquisition that is beyond language. Mansfield left behind various possibilities of life for the reader via the absence of sounds and deliberately puzzled him or her in a soundless, but meaningful world.   There is a song called “life is weary” in the story that can not be neglected. It ends with “a dream—a wakening” (229), while the story says the dead man “He was dreaming. Never wake him up again” (236), which echoes with the song. Indeed the garden party itself symbolizes life—the temporary happy time between birth and death. When confronted with the death of another person, Laura “awaked from the weary, dreamlike life representative of the gentlemen who addicted to participating social gatherings” (Yu 111). Her newly gotten knowledge of death means a termination of innocence and meanwhile a prelude of a new life attitude.
  Through “The Garden Party”, Mansfield manages to reveal multiple sides of life. Some people were rich and comfortable, while some other poor and suffering; some took fun from party gathering, while some other cried for the dead. According to Laura’s good-willed wish, all these should not have happened together. However, the realm of the society is much more complicated and serious that what exists in a little girl’s head. Happiness and sadness, beauty and ugliness, life and death exist in the same thing. According to Mansfield, there is same “dural-principle”: “Although life is filled with shamefulness and coarseness, we can better everything up if we have deep insight and see through the things behind these” (111). While she brought the darkness of life into our vision, Mansfield hid its beauty between lines. “the garden party” indicated that beauty may find its outlet in one’s own understanding of society and life. Death is also not horrifying, for it could be considered as the sublimation of mortals.
  [1]Mansfield,Katherine.“The Garden Party”.In Selected Readings in English Literature.Shanghai:Shanghai Transportation UP,2002,225-237.
  [2]Yu,Jianhua.A Survey of New Zealand Literature.Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Languages Education Press,1994,108-113.
  作者簡介:杨秀丽(1982-),女,汉族,江苏盐城人,硕士,南京晓庄学院,讲师,研究专业及方向:比较文学与世界文学专业, 英美文学方向。
【摘要】朱莉安·豪斯的《翻译质量评估模式》(A Model of Translation Quality Assessment)和《翻译质量评估模式:修订版本》(Translation Quality Assessment: A Model Revisited)为国际翻译批评界提供了一套完整的翻译质量评估体系。本文以朱莉安·豪斯(Juliane House)的翻译质量评估模式为理论指导,阐述了翻译
【摘要】本文主要关注外贸英语口语的教学效率和教学质量问题。首先介绍情景教学法对课程的理论指导意义,随后结合笔者的实际外贸业务和教学经验,试图阐明基于真实外贸场景展开口语教学的有效性,并以“客户来到工厂的价格谈判”一节为例,完整展示课堂教学过程,以期为外贸英语口语教学提供新思路。  【关键词】外贸英语口语;情景教学法;外贸场景  【作者简介】卓丽丽,广东石油化工学院外国语学院。  随着改革开放的不断
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【摘要】在初中英语教学中,英语阅读和写作这两个环节都是非常重要的,缺一不可。前者能够为学生带来信息输入,后者则为信息输出的过程,这两个环节都能够体现学生英语综合能力的高低。可以这么讲,英语的读与写是紧密结合在一起的。但是,在实际教学中,很多教师忽略了这两者的关联性,这是不利于学生英语能力提升的。本文将从读写结合的角度,对初中英语教学的方法进行研究。  【关键词】初中英语;读写结合;教学方法  【作
【摘要】科技带给教育最大的变化,就是学生选择学习方式的自主性越来越突显。信息技术介入教育使得学习资源更加丰富,学习环境更加宽松,教育者更有利于为学生打造个性化学习目标。然而,如何将信息技术与教学过程进行深度融合,为小学生提供了更多获得全面发展的空间更值得关注,本文结合教学实践,对实现深度融合的途径进行了全面解析。  【关键词】小学英语;信息技术;深度融合;途径  【作者简介】刘兴莲,乔光平,甘肃省
口语能力的培养有赖于正确的引导、适宜的环境和交流的求知欲。农村教学条件一般,难以为学生提供英语环境,但这并不表示无法突破口语交流障碍。本文分析了农村小学生口语交流的心理障碍,并列举出具体的教学策略,以期能够突破农村小学生的口语交流障碍。  一、农村小学生口语交流心理障碍的分析  农村小学生长期处于农村环境中,缺乏与城市环境交流的机会,其学习认知和思想观念受家庭、同学的影响比较大,对英语学科存在着得
【摘要】在当前高中教育领域中,英语学科也属于高中教学的重点和难点。所以在实际教学环节中教师要想对学生的英语兴趣进行提升,就要在实际教学环节中加强学生的英语文化意识,确保对学生的英语素养进行有效提升,所以在对学生进行英语教育工作的过程中更应该适当加强对英美文学的有效渗透。  【关键词】英美文学;高中英语教学;渗透  【作者简介】周首雁,贵州省兴仁县民族中学。  在对学生进行高中英语教学的环节中,适当
【摘要】大学生在学习英语中越来越广泛地使用移动App,移动App已经成为辅助大学生进行英语学习的重要工具。只有加强英语移动App的开发,深入研究英语移动App的应用范围与使用方法,才能更好地满足大学生英语学习需求。  【关键词】移动App;大学英语;应用策略  【作者简介】文文,陈晓月,新乡学院。  本文对大学英语移动App的应用现状进行分析,根据当代大学生的英语学习需求,总结英语移动App在大学