患儿彭×,女性,1岁。因反复咳嗽20多天,经服药未愈,1983年3月10日上午来诊。查体:神志清醒,精神一般,发育正常,营养中等,体温36.5℃,咽部稍红,扁桃体无肿大,两肺呼吸音粗糙,可闻少许痰鸣音,其他无异常。化验:WBC20,700,N41%,L58%,M1%,胸透:心肺无异常,青霉素皮试呈阴性。10时30分肌注青霉素G钾20万U (桂林第二制药厂出品,批号8210021)。约2分钟后,患儿突然出现两眼上翻,面色发青,口周青紫,手足抽搐,呼之不应、不哭。马上给肾上腺素肌注,同时给氧,数分钟后患儿神志清醒,抽搐停止,面色转红,说话,哭声大。心率120次/分,律整,心音有力。继续观察,患儿精神恢复,活动如
Peng × children, women, 1 year old. Due to repeated cough for more than 20 days, the medication healed, March 10, 1983 morning visit. Physical examination: conscious, mentally normal, normal development, moderate nutrition, body temperature 36.5 ℃, throat a little red, tonsil no swelling, rough breathing sounds of both lungs, can smell a little phlegm, other no abnormalities. Laboratory tests: WBC20,700, N41%, L58%, M1%, chest X-ray: no abnormal heart and lung, penicillin skin test was negative. 10:30 penicillin G potassium 200,000 U (Guilin second pharmaceutical production, batch number 8210021). About 2 minutes later, the child suddenly turned upside down two eyes, looking pale, mouth bruising, hand-foot twitch, call should not, do not cry. Adrenaline immediately intramuscular injection, while oxygen, a few minutes after the children conscious, convulsions stopped, looking turn red, talking, crying big. Heart rate 120 beats / min, law, heart sound strong. Continue to observe the children’s mental recovery, activities such as