【摘 要】
2002年9月,福建省南平市延平区来舟镇计生专干陈凤英光荣地当选为全国计划生育系统先进工作者。从乡镇计生专干到全国计划生育先进工作者,陈凤英走过了一条漫长而艰辛的奋斗道路。 肩负着贯彻落实计划生育国策的神圣使命,陈凤英在闽北农村山高路险的艰苦环境中,摸爬滚打了二十一年。二十一年在人生的长河中决不是一瞬间,它意味
In September 2002, Chen Fengying, a native of Laizhou, Yanping District, Nanping City, was honorably elected as an advanced worker in the national family planning system. From the township family planning specialist to the advanced workers in family planning, Chen Fengying traveled a long and arduous struggle. Shouldering the sacred mission of implementing the national policy of family planning, Chen Fengying fought for twenty-one years in the harsh environment of mountain and road insurance in northern Fujian. Twenty-one years in the long river of life is by no means a flash, it means
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介绍了DVP-683 型微机失磁保护装置在中、小型水电站应用中所存在的问题及处理方法。
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● The only ar
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