On the Language Direction in Chinese/English imultaneous Interpreting

来源 :中国校外教育·高教(下旬) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hzuns
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  Abstract:This study was designed to analyze specifically the impact of language direction on professional Chinese/English interpreters’ performance and strategy use through their experience of simultaneous interpreting in different language directions.
  Simultaneous interpreting (SI) is a kind of translation that constituted by orally translating the message heard in one language into another language immediately and continuously, and at the meanwhile the message will not stop being produced. The unique characteristics of simultaneous interpretation and the various factors that will have great impact on the procession and performance of Chinese/English SI were taken into discussion. It should be noted that unlike in daily communication situations, comprehension and production are often overlapping in simultaneous interpreting. Concurrent comprehension of the source language and production of the target language is perhaps the most unique characteristic of the SI task.
  Drawn from the effort model proposed by Gile, simultaneous interpreting is accomplished by the sharing of four major efforts: listening and analyzing, production, memory, and coordination. In other words, while a comprehension problem will have a negative effect on production, a production problem also has consequences for comprehension.
  In this study I illustrate arguments for interpreting of L1 to L2 and L2 to L1 language respectively, described the studies about interpreters’’ strategy use and the relationship between language direction and SI strategy use. Interpreters’’ performance of simultaneous interpreting in different directions was determined by a few factors, including the context, personal factors, and interpreting norms.
  Studies showed that professional interpreters who must interpret regularly and simultaneously in both directions may develop strategic approaches to meet the different demands of A-to-B and B-to-A interpreting. Strategy use can be defined in this study as any goal-oriented, potentially conscious employment of tactics designed to overcome the processing problems interpreters encountered during simultaneous interpreting. This definition involves interpreters’’ responses to any problems occurring during the stages of comprehension, translation, or production. As demonstrated in this study, strategies were applied throughout the interpreting as a general approach to the interpreting task, namely anticipating, restructuring, generalizing, visualizing and among others.   The difference in interpreters’’ performances seems not only to be a result of the disparity between their A and B language proficiency, but also a result of their awareness of their language abilities, the tactics available to them and other norms they apply to their performance, as well as the speech structures of their working languages.
  This study not only sheds lights on the differences of performance and strategy use among interpreters working with different language directions, but can also contribute to the design of more effective interpreting teaching programs.
  Key word:directionality simultaneous interpreting strategy use
  I Introduction
  Simultaneous interpreting (SI) is a kind of translation that constituted by orally translating the message heard in one language into another language immediately and continuously, and at the meanwhile the message will not stop being produced. SI is a complicated cognitive activity which requires listening to what the speaker says and transferring it immediately into another language, listening to the speaker’’s next message, storing the message in mind before retrieving it for interpretation, and supervising his or her own production, all at the same time. Being extraordinarily proficient in at least two languages is the prerequisite for performing simultaneous interpreting.
  Interpreters are often supposed to have perfect command of their working languages. Whereas psycholinguistic studies have shown that, even for advanced learners of a second language, the comprehension and production processes in the second language (L2) often differ from the first language (L1), to some extent we can get a hypothesis that simultaneous interpreting from L1 to L2 and from L2 to L1 may have different processes and result in different products.
  This study also focused on the impact of language direction on interpreters’’ strategy use, an important factor affecting interpreting performance. Professional interpreters are known for skillful use of a variety of strategies. Many strategies, such as anticipation or segmentation, are indispensable parts in interpreter training programs. Because those tactics can be used to reduce the cognitive demands imposed by the SI task or to help cope with emergencies in the process of interpreting. Adapting a definition provided by Kalina, strategy use can be defined in this study as any goal-oriented, potentially conscious employment of tactics designed to overcome the processing problems interpreters encountered during simultaneous interpreting. This definition involves interpreters’’ responses to any problems occurring during the stages of comprehension, translation, or production, such as anticipating, restructuring, or generalizing.   Professional interpreters may also behave differently from student interpreters when it comes to simultaneous interpreting in different directions. This study not only sheds light on the differences in performance and strategy use between interpreters working with different language directions, but also can contribute to design of more effective training program. Moreover, by furthering our understanding of the role that L1 and L2 proficiency plays in this unique form of communication, this study may also contribute to the research on bilingualism and second language acquisition in general.
  Many people have contributed to this dissertation. First, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Mrs. Zhao yun-shan. Throughout this dissertation, she has not only been the greatest mentor but also the most supportive friend. Without her expert guidance, warm encouragement, and enthusiastic support, this dissertation would not have been possible. From her, I have seen a teacher who truly cares about her students’’ growth and progress, a mentor who provides not only intellectual but mental support. The dissertation would not have been accomplished without the help of many friends. I am grateful to Zhou Ying, Andy and many other people who have taken time out of their busy schedules to help me along the way. Finally, my greatest appreciation is reserved for my parents, who have provided me with the opportunity to receive a good education, with the encouragement to move on when I faced difficulties. It is their love support and companionship that have made this four-year journey to my degree possible. I dedicate this dissertation to them.
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[摘要] 教育要适应社会需要。当前形势下,企事业单位需要大批动手能力强、基本功扎实的会计人员。为此,成人学历会计教学应满足当前需要,创新教学方法。本文就成人学历教育会计教学方法进行一些探讨、分析。  [关键词] 创新模式 教法灵活 快乐教学    当前,成人学历教育工学矛盾非常突出,同时大面积扩招,抢生源,导致生源质量参差不齐,会计专业学生也是如此。面临这样的生源状况,如果我们还是采用从理论到理论
在新形势下,为了深入了解新时期高校团建工作的新情况、新问题;为了推动独立学院团建工作的新思路、新方式和自身建设的创新,增强共青团云南大学滇池学院团建工作的科学性、针对性和实效性,我们始终坚持党建带团建原则,并要以十八精神为圭臬,探索独立学院自身团建的新思路,提出了“一团两制”的组织形式、团总支的专职化、提高团员德性修养等的新思路。  党的十八大德性育人政治引导制度公平正义党的十大指出:“建设优秀传
21世纪是人才竞争的时代,当代大学生是我国社会发展的后备力量和中坚力量,担负着我国继往开来的历史任务。因此,如何引导大学生成长成才是事关社会发展的大事,如何处理思想政治教育与大学生成长成才的关系具有重要意义。  高职院校思想政治教育大学生成长成才当代高职院校学生队伍是我国非常宝贵的人才资源,同时也是中华民族的希望。从发展阶段来看,高职院校学生正处在学习专业知识、发展智力、价值观形成的最佳的时期,也
随着开放大学建设的深入,作为开放大学办学体系的基层电大承受着更多的压力,也面临着更大的挑战。以甘肃电大白银分校的办学体系为例,分析了基层电大办学体系存在的主要问题,并就何如深入推进基层电大办学体系建设提出了建议,以期为基层电大办学体系建设提供参考和借鉴。  基层电大办学体系问题对策  目前,广播电视大学体系在全国范围内已发展为由1所中央广播电视大学(国家开放大学),44所省级电大(含北京、上海、江
摘要:改变传统的教学观念与模式,利用多元智能的理论来丰富我们的课堂,构建起多元的课堂教学模式。让我们的课堂从此活起来,学生也因此而充分展示自己的才能。  关键词:课堂教学 多元 教学模式  传统的教学观,把课堂教学认为就是教师向学生传授知识的过程,学生就是这个过程的接受体,教学在一定程度上是教师的单边活动,它的弊端在于:(1)学习目标的单一性,注重传授学科知识与绘画技能;(2)教学方法单一性,简单
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为了高职院校物流专业学生的职业能力培养与用人单位的岗位标准和任职要求能够很好地对接,结合石家庄信息工程职业学院物流管理专业教学改革的实际,以培养高职物流管理专业学生的职业能力为目标,对职业能力培养评价进行了探讨。  高职院校物流管理职业能力实践教学一、高职物流管理专业学生职业能力分析  2008年以来,石家庄信息工程职业学院物流管理专业已经意识到培养“能操作、善管理、可发展”的“社会需要、行业认可