路面结冰隆起或不平坦会给机动车司机带来两种不同的不舒适感。当车前轮碰到地坑或沟时,司机几乎冲出他们的座位。当车后轮遇到凹凸不平地面时会产生严重弹跳,承受着极为严重的颠簸。 瑞典索尔纳国家职业卫生研究院工作环
Freezing or uneven road surface can bring two different types of discomfort to the driver of the vehicle. When the front wheel hit a pit or ditch, the driver almost out of their seats. When the rear wheel encountered uneven ground will have a serious bounce, to withstand the extremely serious bumps. Sweden Saarner National Institute of Occupational Health work ring