体外膜肺氧合(extracorporeal membrane oxygenation,ECMO)技术是一种持续的体外生命支持手段,其作用机制是通过体外设备在一定的时间内全部或部分替代心肺功能,即利用体外循环代替自然循环,由离心泵提供血流动力,静脉血经氧合器氧合成动脉血,回注机体完成输氧功能,以争取心、肺病变的治疗及康复时间。ECMO的适应证:(1)急性呼吸衰竭患者经高浓度吸氧、机械通气和呼气未正压通气(PEEP)治疗,仍有肺内右向左分流及低氧血症者;对各种方法治疗无效的严重呼衰患者,包括妊娠34周以上的新生儿、在5 d
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) technology is a continuous means of life support in vitro. Its mechanism is to totally or partially replace the cardiopulmonary function by the extracorporeal device in a certain period of time, that is to use extracorporeal circulation instead of natural circulation, Provided by the centrifugal pump blood flow, blood oxygen by oxygenator arterial blood synthesis, re-injection of oxygen to complete the body function to fight heart and lung disease treatment and recovery time. ECMO indications: (1) patients with acute respiratory failure by high concentrations of oxygen, mechanical ventilation and expiratory non-positive pressure ventilation (PEEP) treatment, there are still pulmonary right to left shunt and hypoxemia were; for a variety of Methods of treatment of patients with severe respiratory failure ineffective, including more than 34 weeks of gestation in newborns, 5 d