Jin × ×, male, 25 years old, worker. Hospital number 007066. Due to rupture of grinding wheel on electric cutting machine, the head and facial trauma were admitted for 6 hours.Checking: Consciousness, blood pressure 16 / 10kPa (1kPa = 7.5mmHg), pulse 80 Times per minute, cardiopulmonary examination was normal, no pathological reflex.Partial examination: the right eye dark, visual acuity of the left eye 1.5.The facial wound obliquely from the right eye, the nose, the mouth of the corner, about 15cm. Right anterior wall of the maxillary sinus completely split open, the right eyelid swelling, eyeball exposed on the upper and lower eyelid .Corneal opacity, 1 to 5 o’clock scleral full-thickness rupture, most of the prolapse content.CT tips: the right eye through the wound Accompanied by the separation of the optic nerve and right maxillary sinus, right eye and right frontal lobe retained after general decontamination under general anesthesia in the right maxillary sinus removed a 3.0 × 4.0 × 0.5cm ~ 3 wheel block, curettage maxillary sinus Mucosa, complete hemostasis, stuffed with iodoform gauze and leads from the right lower nasal passages