【摘 要】
The coalbed methane (CBM) resources in North China amounts up to 60% of total resources in China.North China is the most important CBM accumulation area in Chin
【机 构】
China University of Geosciences (Beijing), Beijing 100083 ;China National Administration of Coal Geo
The coalbed methane (CBM) resources in North China amounts up to 60% of total resources in China.North China is the most important CBM accumulation area in China, The coal beds of the Upper Paleozoic Taiyuan and Shanxi formations have a stable distribution. The coal reservoir of target areas such as Jincheng, Yanquan-Shouyang,Hancheng, Liulin, etc. have good CBM-bearing characteristics, high permeability and appropriate reservoir pressure, and these areas are the preferred target areas of CBM developing in China. The coal reservoirs of Wupu, Sanjiaobei, Lu’an,Xinmi, Anyang-Hebi, Jiaozuo, Xinggong and Huainan also have as good CBM-bearing characteristics, but the physical properties of coal reservoirs vary observably. So, further work should be taken to search for districts with high pressure,high permeability and good CBM-bearing characteristics. Crustal stresses have severe influence on the permeability of coal reservoirs in North China. From west to east, the crustal stress gradient increases, while the coal reservoirs permeability decreases.
美国加利福尼亚大学医学博士李茜等,曾在《美国医学会杂志》上发表了50岁以后老年人健康危险系数的12道自测题。这些题目来自美国健康和退休的11701例社区老年人的健康研究,并经过8009位老年人的验证。需要注意的是,这些自测题的结果仅仅是提醒人们注意预防和治疗影响健康的慢性疾病,但不适用于住院的老年人。 健康自测题如下: 1 年龄:50~59岁(0分),60~64岁11分),65~69岁(2
Sedimentary response to an orogenic process is important for determining whether South China had compressional or extensional orogeny during the period from the
在现代文明的城市化进程中,不可避免地会出现热岛、疾病暴发、污染等问题,人类为此付出的代价可能远比收获要多。 城市化是环境变化主体 城市提供了更好的工作、教育、文化和医疗保障,创造着巨大的经济价值。目前,全世界大约有一半的人口居住在城市。在20世纪后半期,各大洲都出现了大量人口从农村到城市的迁移,城市化已经成为全球环境变化的重要内容。 过快的城市化进程造成了贫穷、环境退化和无法满足的人
Neotectonism occurred intensively in the Bozhong depression in the Bohai Bay Basin, which was reflected vertically by dramatic subsidence and a number of uplift
There are few 3-D seismic profiles and drillings in the middle part of the Qibei depression in the Dagang oilfield, and more than 70% of the 2-D seismic profile
还是会在午后的闲茶时间和一二好友聊起《故宫》,这是一部足以证明央视的纪录片制作水平凌驾于其他电视台的优秀纪录片。谈笑宴宴之间,只觉往事倏然而过,大学时那股纵论无忌的意气已然淡淡远去,现在要谈起的《故宫》,却已与那金碧辉煌的宫室无关。因为,我想到的是这座皇城永恒的城市气质,以及为这种气质所熏染的城市小食。 老舍先生说得不错,北京城的味儿啊就在民间。友君前岁赴京时,我只向她荐了舒老先生的作品集,因为