My teacher, Mr. Huang Xiaomei, is the late old Chinese medicine practitioner in our district. He has practiced medicine for more than sixty years and has extensive knowledge and experience. As you can see from the sign of the division, the number of finishings is described below. First, review the card, identify real hot fake cold. There is a typhoid patient, mad, proverbs, do not know people, Yiyi touch bed, mouth flapping, facial muscles twitching, cold hands and feet, six pulse Shen, critical condition, all doctors helpless, seeking treatment in Huang Lao. After the diagnosis, he was referred to the doctor for further diagnosis. The sound of the proverb was heavy and deep, depending on his pale tongue and thick, greasy tongue, but his six-veined pulse was fine and powerful. I asked: “This card has cold limbs, yang is waning, and chilly and chilly, can you vote for Sini Tang?”