Fabrication of large-area nano-scale patterned sapphire substrate with laser interference lithograph

来源 :Optoelectronics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenghongminghao
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Periodic triangle truncated pyramid arrays are successfully fabricated on the sapphire substrate by a low-cost and high-efficiency laser interference lithography(LIL)system.Through the combination of dry etching and wet etching techniques,the nano-scale patterned sapphire substrate(NPSS)with uniform size is prepared.The period of the patterns is 460 nm as designed to match the wavelength of blue light emitting diode(LED).By improving the stability of the LIL system and optimizing the process parameters,well-defined triangle truncated pyramid arrays can be achieved on the sapphire substrate with diameter of 50.8 mm.The deviation of the bottom width of the triangle truncated pyramid arrays is 6.8%,which is close to the industrial production level of 3%. Periodic triangle truncated pyramid arrays are successfully fabricated on the sapphire substrate by a low-cost and high-efficiency laser interference lithography (LIL) system. Through the combination of dry etching and wet etching techniques, the nano-scale patterned sapphire substrate (NPSS) with uniform size is prepared. The period of the pattern is 460 nm as designed to match the wavelength of blue light emitting diode (LED) .By improving the stability of the LIL system and optimizing the process parameters, well-defined triangle truncated pyramid arrays can be achieved on the sapphire substrate with diameter of 50.8 mm. The deviation of the bottom width of the triangle truncated pyramid arrays is 6.8%, which is close to the industrial production level of 3%.
1988年,山东东营黄河修防处,在河口治理工程中,利用透水苇坝级溜落淤,成功地堵截了南支流入海岔河。 南支流岔河,位于清七断面以下10km处的潮间地带,走向偏南,长7km,宽约120
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【摘要】高职院校的数学教学中存在着一些不足之处,还需要进行不断地完善.所以,本文将对高职院校数学的教学存在的问题进行分析.并通过分析高职院校的数学教学存在的问题,提出相应的解决措施,希望能够给高职院校的数学教学提供一些可以参考的意见.  【关键词】高职院校;数学教学;问题  在当前,我国的高职院校中数学教学面临着许多困难,其主要表现在教学内容多、教学课时少、教材不规范、学习积极性很低以及生源素质总