在今年奥斯卡大奖揭晓时暴出了一大新闻:三十三岁的安吉莉卡因在其父约翰·休士顿执导的《普里泽家族的荣誉》中扮黑手党头目的孙女而夺得了最佳女配角奖,而她的祖父沃尔特多年前也曾因在约翰的影片《玛德雷岭的宝藏》中的表演获得过最佳配角奖。 好莱坞电影世家第三代的安吉莉卡从小生长在爱尔兰。因为有电影院的镇离家都很远,所以安吉莉卡主要是在家里看父亲的影片。不过她还是经常外出看儿童片,她感到那些影片比她父亲的要好得多。
A big news came out this year when the Academy Awards were announced: Angelika, 33, won the granddaughter of the mafia leader in the “Prize of the Prize Line” directed by his father, John Houston Best Supporting Actress, and her grandfather Walter won the Best Supporting Actor award for her performance in John’s film, The Treasures of Madeleine, many years ago. Angelica, the third-generation Hollywood movie family, grew up in Ireland. Because the town of cinema is far from home, Angelina mainly watches her father’s films at home. However, she often went out to watch children films, she felt that those films than her father’s much better.