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货有真假之别,话有真假之分。真话,可以使领导干部掌握真实情况,作出符合客观实际的决策,而假话则恰恰相反,会延误党的事业和改革建设任务。追溯一下说假话之风,我们不难发现,它和任何一种风气一样,有它的始发期。战国时宋玉在《风赋》一文中说:“夫风,生于地,起于青萍之末”。说假话之风刚刚“起于青萍之末”时,其势头是很微弱的,或是仅出现于某个地方、某个行业、某个单位,甚至仅表现于某个人身上。然而,今天说假话之风却大有愈演愈烈之势,如不下力根治,终会发展到“蹶石伐木,梢杀林莽”的地步,给党和人民的事业带来巨大危害。其实,有些说假话的人对其危害,自己心里也明镜似的。那为什么还要造假,热衷于阿谀奉承、吹吹拍拍,用假话哄骗领导、取悦领导呢? The goods have the difference between true and false, if true or false points. To tell the truth, leading cadres can grasp the real situation and make decisions that are in line with objective reality. On the contrary, lie will delay the cause of the party and the task of reform and construction. Tracing back to the rhetoric, we can easily see that it has the same origin as any kind of culture. In the Warring States Period, Song Yu said in his article “Feng Fu”: “The husband, born in the land, starts at the end of Qing Ping.” To say that the style of lieutenant was just “at the end of Qingping” is weak, or only appears in a certain place, an industry, a unit, or even a person. However, the style of today’s falsehood is getting worse and worse. If we do not cure it, we will eventually develop to the point where “cutting trees and logging trees and forestrising trees” will end up tremendous damage to the cause of the party and the people. In fact, some people who tell lies are jealous of themselves, and in their own minds are also mirror-like. Why do you want to be fake, keen on flattering, blowing blow pat, using lie to deceive the leadership, to please leadership?
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