朋友夸我说话好听,学习的时候要我读报,电视台聘我当主持人,举办文学讲座也受欢迎,大概就因为我说的是北京话。还有个秘密,美丽的女护士范季华之属意于我,不仅一见钟情,还有“一听钟情”,听了这优美的北京话,就非我不嫁。转眼48年过去,她仍然爱听我说话, 初衷不改。我也受宠若惊呀,加之从业京味小说,“语言是文学的第一要素”,便在有意无意之间,探索北京话的奥秘,结果喜出望外——谁说北京人缺少创造性?北京话就是无价之宝,这项创造,于国家民族,于经济文化,贡献之大,至少可与始皇帝统一汉字相媲美。
My friends are good at speaking. When I am studying, I want to read newspapers, use TV as my host, and hold literary lectures. It is probably just because I am talking about Beijing dialect. There is also a secret, the beautiful female nurse Fan Ji-hua belongs to me, not only love at first sight, as well as “a love”, after listening to this beautiful Beijing dialect, I do not marry. In the blink of an eye, 48 years later, she still loves to talk to me and does not change her mind. I am also flattered Yeah, combined with the occupation of Beijing novel, “language is the first element of literature,” they consciously or unconsciously, to explore the mystery of Beijing dialect, the results overjoyed - who said Beijing lack of creativity? Beijing dialect is priceless, which Item creation, in the nationalities, in the economic and cultural contribution to the large, at least with the first emperor unified Chinese characters comparable.