价值工程是以独创的分析思想与方法,把技术、经济与管理紧密地结合起来;把社会的需求与企事业单位的生产、服务有机地统一起来,在设计和经营思想上形成了一次突破。它已在降低成本、节约能源、提高生产、改善管理和提高服务效率等方面得到广泛应用,是一种行之有效的分析技术和管理方法。如:上海汽车电器厂应用价值工程改进产品设计,一年就可节约100万元。 §10. 1价值工程的基本概念 价值工程认为社会对产品的需求只是它所提供的必要功能,而不是产品本身的具体形式。人们购买冰箱是购买它的使用价值(功能)——冷藏食品,并在满足冷藏功能要求的前提下物美价廉。所以,价值工程的定义是产品的价值V与产品的功能F成正比(物美),与其成本C成反比(价廉),以V来衡量产品物美价廉的程度,用公式表示: V=F/C (10.1)
Value engineering is based on original analytical thinking and methods. It integrates technology, economy and management closely; it integrates social needs with the production and service of enterprises and institutions, and forms a breakthrough in design and management thinking. It has been widely used in reducing costs, saving energy, improving production, improving management, and improving service efficiency. It is an effective analytical technique and management method. Such as: Shanghai Automotive Electrical Appliance Factory applied value engineering to improve product design, one year can save 1 million yuan. §10.1 The basic concept of value engineering Value engineering considers society’s demand for products to be only the necessary functions it provides, not the specific form of the product itself. People buy refrigerators to buy their use value (functions) - refrigerated foods, and on the premise of meeting the refrigerating function requirements. Therefore, the definition of value engineering is that the product’s value V is proportional to the product’s function F (good thing), inversely proportional to its cost C (cheaper), and the product’s price is measured by V, which is represented by the formula: V=F /C (10.1)