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老年终末期肾脏疾病的发病率和患病率逐年增加。老年患者有其特有的病理生理学特点和临床表现,常同时存在营养不良以及其他器官的病变,如心脏、脑血管疾病,对容量负荷增加的耐受性差。与年轻患者相比,在治疗过程中更容易出现合并症,影响老年患者的生存质量和生存期。开始替代治疗的时机以及适当的个体化治疗方式对老年终末期肾病患者至关重要。血液透析、腹膜透析以及肾移植都是可以选择的替代治疗方式,要综合考虑老年患者的疾病情况、家庭状况、经济条件以及社会因素等进行选择。 The incidence and prevalence of end-stage renal disease in the elderly are increasing year by year. Elderly patients have their own unique pathophysiological characteristics and clinical manifestations, often accompanied by malnutrition and other organ diseases, such as heart and cerebrovascular disease, tolerance to increased capacity load is poor. Compared with younger patients, complications are more likely to occur during the course of treatment, affecting the quality of life and survival of elderly patients. The timing of the start of alternative treatment and appropriate individualized treatment are of crucial importance for elderly patients with end-stage renal disease. Hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis and kidney transplantation are all alternative treatments that can be selected, taking into account the disease status of the elderly, family status, economic conditions and social factors.
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2017年4月10日,杜邦植物保护在江苏镇江隆重举行“十年耕耘、康宽同行”——康宽~中国上市十周年庆发布会。杜邦植物保护亚太区杀虫剂市场总监Paul Dunn先生、杜邦植物保护
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