新兴门类孕育投资机会 寿山石雕是否迎来“建仓”好时机

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艺术品市场经过近几年的大幅度攀升,为社会展示了巨大的财富效应,寿山石等新兴收藏门类也呈现爆发式的增长。受国内艺术品市场整体态势的影响,去年中国艺术品市场开始展现疲态,寿山石的市场行情也相应回落。不过,值得宽慰的是,从数据上看,与其他门类相比,寿山石的市场表现非常稳健,部分品种像田黄石甚至表现出逆势走强的格局。2013年2月初,香港首轮春拍取得了不错拍卖成绩,让人对于2013年的春拍市场有了较为乐观的预期。 The art market has risen sharply in recent years, showing a huge wealth effect for the society. Emerging collections such as Shoushan Stone also show explosive growth. Affected by the overall situation in the domestic art market, the Chinese art market began to show signs of weakness last year, and the market of Shoushan Stone also dropped accordingly. However, it is reassuring to note that Shoushan Stone’s market performance is robust compared with other categories in terms of data. Some of the products, such as Tianhuang Stone, have even shown signs of a stronger contrarian trend. In the beginning of February 2013, Hong Kong’s first round of spring auctions made good auction results, giving a more optimistic forecast for the 2013 spring auction market.
【内容摘要】作业是教学的自然延续和补充,是教学过程中不可或缺的一个环节。为了进一步激发学生的学习热情、培养学生创新和独立获取知识的能力,必须依据新课程标准,对传统的作业设计进行改进,并从英语语言的积累、不同层次学生的差异以及提高学生的合作探究能力等方面进行探索和尝试。  【关键词】新课程 英语作业设计 合作探究 趣味性  巧妙地设计作业能够使学生更好的消化和吸收所学的知识,是巩固和深化课堂所学知识