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初中数学课堂教学与信息技术的整合,改变了传统的数学教学模式,给新时期新要求下的数学课奠定了发展的坚强基石。合理科学地运用信息技术与数学课程整合,有利于学生学习方式的改变,对于推进课程改革进程有着不可替代的作用。整合当今的信息技术手段能直观的展示各种图形、运动等的变化和规律,能缓解中小学生现有的认识经验和教学任务之间矛盾,使数学中抽象的问题形象化,枯燥的问题兴趣化,静止的问题动态化,复杂的问题简单化,使数学课堂成果收到事半功倍。但我们必须科学地理解和把握数学学科教学与信息技术的整合方式方法,充分发挥其优点,摒弃不足。 The integration of middle school mathematics classroom teaching and information technology has changed the traditional mathematics teaching mode and laid a solid foundation for the development of mathematics lessons under the new requirements of the new era. Reasonable and scientific use of information technology and mathematics curriculum integration is conducive to changes in the way students learn, to promote curriculum reform process has an irreplaceable role. The integration of today’s information technology can visually display the changes and regularities of various figures and movements, relieve the contradiction between the existing cognitive experiences and teaching tasks of primary and middle school students, visualize the abstract problems in mathematics, and dull interest in issues Dynamic and static issues, simplification of complex issues, so that the results of mathematics received more with less. However, we must scientifically understand and grasp the ways and means of integrating mathematics teaching with information technology, bring its advantages into full play and abandon the deficiencies.
通过多年的教学实践,笔者在教学中利用信息技术这一优势在语文教学中解决了很多的问题,如教学的直观性不强,教学内容枯燥,传统的教学方法单一,课堂气氛死气沉沉等。从借助多媒体用于语文课教学的实际效果来看,笔者感觉到在教学中要根据教学内容和教学环节的需要,以及学生的认知需求来选用多媒体进行辅助教学才能充分发挥多媒体的优势,才能模拟教学情境更加逼真,才能形成更具创新性的教学模式。   一、利用多媒体激发学生
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脉连近代中国的命运,在传播知识方面作出重大贡献的商务印书馆,正载誉迎接第八十五个诞生日。它象汹涌的沄流,汲千溪、吮百川,日日夜夜将漭沈之水输入书海。 商务印书馆有着
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