Calyx nocturnae Solanaceae Solanaceae 1-year-old herb, quarantine weeds, native to North America. 1981 in Urumqi, Changji found. Shortly after the discovery in Golubuyi Township in Toksun County in 2011, it spread to areas such as Yilahu Township and gradually revealed its strong competitive advantages. First, the morphological characteristics Calyx nigrum straight roots, stems erect, similar to shrubs, the upper often branched, height 30 to 70 cm. The whole plant branches, leaves, fruit barbed. Leaves two-sided spines, single leaf alternate, pinnately irregular split, lobes 5 to 7; racemes, densely stellate hairy, calyx 5; corolla yellow, radiation symmetry; stamens 5, a large stamen, Stout, small stamens 4; pistil fine, tip curved, style about 1.5 cm or so. The fruit is a brownish-brown berry,