谁都不希望自己被单位辞退或安排下岗。可随着社会竞争的日益加剧和人事用工制度的进一步改革,“铁饭碗”将越来越少,而“泥饭碗”将越来越多,人人都会有失业的可能。因而我们都应学会如何面对失业,重新扬起人生的风帆。 失业给失业者带来的心理上的冲击是巨大的,有人甚至形容“失业比失恋更可怕”。据《世界最新民意调查》显示,美国人最怕的是失业,其程度竟高于惧怕死亡。失业者在精神上承受的压力往往超过了
No one wants to be dismissed by the unit or laid off. With the increasing social competition and the further reform of the employment system, “iron rice bowl” will be less and less, and “mud and rice bowl” will be more and more, and everyone will be unemployed. Therefore, we should all learn how to face unemployment and revive our life’s sails. The psychological impact of unemployment on unemployed people is enormous. Some people even described “unemployment more terrible than losing love.” According to “the latest opinion poll in the world”, the worst thing Americans fear is unemployment, which is even higher than the fear of death. The pressure on the unemployed is often over