位于俄罗斯哈巴罗夫斯克的先锋工业园占地47公顷,靠近亚太地区国家市场,交通网络畅通。作为超前发展区3大平台之一,先锋工业园受到了俄罗斯联邦工业商务部、联邦经济发展部、工业园委员会等政府部门的大力支持。凭借着发达的公共基础设施,优惠的税收、行政政策等各项优势,工业园已经有多家企业入驻,并获得了俄罗斯国内外官方媒体的报道。《国际公关》记者采访了先锋工业园的投资总监丹尼(Mr.Daniil Melnikov),他从先锋工业园的基本信息和优势出发,讲述了企业跨国宣传的原则,以及中俄两国公关行业差异等深度话题。
Pioneer Industrial Park in Khabarovsk, Russia covers an area of 47 hectares, close to the national market in the Asia Pacific region, the traffic network smooth. As one of the three major platforms in the forward development zone, Pioneer Industrial Park is strongly supported by government departments such as the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, the Federal Ministry of Economic Development and the Industrial Parks of the Russian Federation. With the advantages of developed public infrastructure, preferential taxation and administrative policies, a number of enterprises have settled in the industrial park and have been reported by the official media in Russia and abroad. International PR reporter interviewed Mr. Daniil Melnikov, the chief investment officer of Pioneer Industrial Park. From the basic information and advantages of Pioneer Industrial Park, he told the principle of transnational publicity of enterprises and the difference of PR industry between China and Russia Other depth topics.