清朝的康熙皇帝是中国的“寿星皇帝”之一。这位治国有方的皇帝,一生与医学有不解之缘,平素注重医疗保健,熟谙养生之道,其医疗保健轶事也颇具传奇色彩。 小康熙遇救记 康熙皇帝幼时出“天花”,大病初愈时身体虚弱,尤其脾胃不和,积食拉稀。太医们会诊研究,认为用药和进补皆非良策,缘于“小主子”在天花时药吃得多了,哭闹着不肯再服苦口的汤药,太医们亦束手无策。
Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty was one of China’s “longevity emperors.” The emperor who governed the country has a long history of indissoluble bondage with medicine. He usually cares about health care and knows how to keep healthy. His health care anecdote is also legendary. Kangxi Xi Kangxi emperor childhood when the “smallpox”, recover from illness when the weak, especially spleen and stomach, plot diarrhea. Tai Chi doctors consultation study, that medication and tonic are not good policy, due to “little master” in the smallpox medicine to eat more, crying refused to serve the misery soup, too, doctors are helpless.