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我是一名申花足球队忠实的球迷,也是一个嗜好收集体育物品的藏迷。在我收藏的百余种各类体育品系列中,体育票券甲A联赛申花主场比赛门票作为其中一个珍品独树一帜。申花俱乐部成立于1993年10月,从翌年首届俱乐部参加的全国足球甲级队A组联赛伊始,我就致力于这一专题足球票的搜集了。至今共收藏了全品相(带副券)的甲A联赛申花主场六个年头的比赛球票共42场300余张。其中有不少都是“身价极高”的主席台嘉宾票,真可谓成千上万张民间收藏的球票中的凤毛麟角,十分稀罕。我那一部心爱的《甲A联赛申花队主场门票集》,也是申花俱乐部的一部编年史,它记载了申花将士在’94~’98赛季勇夺甲A联赛前三名的辉煌历程。在我所收藏的1000多种各式体育门票中,甲A联赛申花队主场球票属于构思独特、设计新颖、票面 I am a loyal fans of Shenhua football team, but also a Tibetan fans hobby collecting sports goods. In my collection of more than 100 kinds of various types of sports series, sports tickets A League A Shenhua home games tickets as one of the unique treasures. Shenhua Club was established in October 1993, from the beginning of the first year of the club to participate in the national football team A League at the beginning, I dedicated to collecting this topic football tickets. So far a total collection of all items (with sub-voucher) A League A Shenhua home six years of competition tickets a total of 42 more than 300 games. Many of them are “podium tickets” with extremely high prices. It is rare for you to get tickets for the tens of thousands of privately-collected tickets. One of my beloved “A League A Shenhua home team tickets”, but also a chronicles of Shenhua Club, which records the Shenhua soldiers in the ’94 ~ ’98 season to win the top three league A glorious history. In my collection of more than 1,000 kinds of sports tickets, the A A League Shenhua home ball games belong to a unique concept, innovative design, the face
据海外新闻媒体报道 ,继柬埔寨之后 ,越南成为中国香港特区制衣商关注的另一热门地区。这是因为美国与越南进行“正常贸易协议”谈判已达3年 ,而且最近成功的呼声甚高。如果美
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