日本松干蚧Matsucoccus matsumarae(Kuwana)是我国松树枝干重要害虫,为国内森林植物检疫对象。该虫在辽宁省9个市、27个县(区)普遍发生,由于发生期内尚无理想的防治措施,故每年因松干蚧危害而采伐的松树达5万立方米。目前,对日本松干蚧疫材检疫处理
Matsucoccus matsumarae (Kuwana) is an important insect pest of Chinese pine and is the quarantine object of domestic forest plants. The worm occurred in 9 cities and 27 counties (districts) in Liaoning Province. Since there was no ideal control measures during the occurrence period, the number of pine trees harvested every year due to the damage of pine and tropical scales reached 50,000 cubic meters. At present, the Japanese pine dry Kuwana quarantine treatment