An enriched environment improves cognitive performance in mice from the senescence-accelerated prone

来源 :Neural Regeneration Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nibuhao222
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In this study,we examined 3-month-old female mice from the senescence-accelerated prone mouse 8 strain and age-matched homologous normal aging female mice from the senescence accelerated-resistant mouse 1 strain.Mice from each strain were housed in an enriched environment(including a platform,running wheels,tunnel,and some toys)or a standard environment for 3 months.The mice housed in the enriched environment exhibited shorter escape latencies and a greater percentage of time in the target quadrant in the Morris water maze test,and they exhibited reduced errors and longer latencies in step-down avoidance experiments compared with mice housed in the standard environment.Correspondently,brain-derived neurotrophic factor mRNA and protein ex- pression in the hippocampus was significantly higher in mice housed in the enriched environment compared with those housed in the standard environment,and the level of hippocampal brain-derived neurotrophic factor protein was positively correlated with the learning and memory abilities of mice from the senescence-accelerated prone mouse 8 strain.These results suggest that an enriched environment improved cognitive performance in mice form the senescence-accelerated prone mouse 8 strain by increasing brain-derived neurotrophic factor expression in the hippocampus. In this study, we examined 3-month-old female mice from the senescence-accelerated prone mouse 8 strain and age-matched homologous normal aging female mice from the senescence accelerated-resistant mouse 1 strain. Mice from each strain were housed in an enriched environment (including a platform, running wheels, tunnel, and some toys) or a standard environment for 3 months. The mice housed in the enriched environment Xeah escape latencies and a greater percentage of time in the target quadrant in the Morris water maze test , and they exhibited reduced errors and longer latencies in step-down avoidance experiments compared with mice housed in the standard environment. Correspondently, brain-derived neurotrophic factor mRNA and protein ex- pression in the hippocampus was significantly higher in mice housed in the enriched environment compared with those housed in the standard environment, and the level of hippocampal brain-derived neurotrophic factor was positively correlated wit h the learning and memory abilities of mice from the senescence-accelerated prone mouse 8 strain.These results suggest that an enriched environment improved cognitive performance in mice form the senescence-accelerated prone mouse 8 strain by increasing brain-derived neurotrophic factor expression in the hippocampus .
“中国式暑假”案例  案例一:高女士说,由于自己平日上班比较忙,孩子的父亲又常年出差在外,一到暑假,10岁的儿子由谁来看管就成了问题。放假近一个月了,孩子每天在电视机前一坐就是半天,一个频道接一个频道地换,两眼盯着电视屏幕,只顾看电视吃零食,一个星期下来就胖了5斤。医生说孩子性格孤僻,不愿与人交流,是“儿童孤独症”的表现。  案例二:张女士家的孩子在读小学,她说,孩子平时学习成绩一般,所以想在假期