春季移植落叶松幼苗,成活率之所以不高,主要是苗木经过越冬贮藏,上部因缺水而干梢,下部主根粗,侧根少,移植初期吸收土壤中水分的能力差,使根部吸水与茎叶蒸腾失去平衡。为了解决这个矛盾,近年来我县的一些林场苗圃采用栽前水浸苗根的办法,提高了苗木移栽的成活率。具体做法是:栽前一天,取越冬苗立摆在事先挖好的水沟里 (或容器中),使苗根全部浸泡在水中一昼夜,然后移植。这样可改善移植初期苗木水分供应状况。
Larch seedlings transplanted in spring, the reason why the survival rate is not high, mainly after winter storage of seedlings, the upper stems due to lack of water, the lower main root thick, less lateral roots, the initial absorption of soil moisture in the poor ability to absorb water and roots Leaf transpiration unbalanced. In order to solve this contradiction, in recent years, some forest farms in our county used the method of planting watermelon seedlings before planting to improve the survival rate of transplanting seedlings. The specific approach is: the day before planting, take the wintering set in advance digging ditches (or container), the seedling roots soaked in water all day and night, and then transplant. This will improve the early seedling water supply.