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不久前,笔者有幸赴新加坡国立大学参加“宏观管理与经济分析研修班”的学习。通过两个月的学习考察,感觉到这个弹丸之邦之所以能够在独立后较短的时间内实现经济快速发展、社会和谐有序,并与国际和周边地区保持着较大的竞争优势,其中一个重要原因就是其政府长期致力于倡导并竭力推行共同国家价值观。1991年初,通过新加坡人民反复讨论并经国会批准,政府以《共同国家价值观白皮书》的形式提出了五条共同价值观:国家至上、社会为先;家庭为根、社会为本;关怀扶助、尊重个人;求同存异、协商共识;种族和谐、宗教宽容。这个价值观体系明确了个人利益要服从社会利益,也就是服从国家的利益,推崇孝顺、效忠、谦虚、诚实、勤劳、节俭等东方传统美德,肯定个人的应有权利,主张通过协商取得社会共识,提倡种族和宗教和谐。新加坡为什么要推行共同价值观呢?新加坡地处欧亚交通联 Not long ago, I was fortunate enough to go to the National University of Singapore to participate in the “Macroeconomic Management and Economic Analysis Training Course” study. Through two months of study and study, I feel that the reason why this projectile state has been able to achieve rapid economic development, social order and harmony with the international and neighboring regions in a relatively short period of time after independence has been achieved. One of them The important reason is that his government has long been committed to advocating and pushing for the common national values. In early 1991, through repeated discussions by the people of Singapore and the approval of the National Assembly, the government proposed five common values ​​in the form of the “White Paper on Common National Values”: the supremacy of the country and society first; the family as the root and the society as the basis; the care and assistance and respect for the individual; Seeking common ground while shelving differences and consensus on consultation; ethnic harmony, religious tolerance. This system of values ​​affirms that individual interests obey social interests, that is, obey the interests of the country, advocate the traditional oriental virtues of filial piety, allegiance, modesty, honesty, diligence and frugality, affirm the rights of individuals, advocate obtaining consensus through consultation, Promote racial and religious harmony. Why Singapore to promote common values? Singapore is located in Eurasia Transport Alliance
经贸委、体改委不久前提出国有企业改制类别,主要内容是: 1.涉及国家安全、国际尖端技术,特殊产品、公用设施等特定行业的企业,有的仍需保持国有国营的形式。其中适于公司化
鱼肝油酸钠治疗上消化道大出血56例谢光福张继红解放军272医院内一科天津市300020SubjectheadingsPepticulcerhemorhage/drugtherapyGastrointestinalhemorhage/drugthe... Sodium codlate sodium in the treatment of upper gastrointestinal bleeding in 56 cases X
现介绍六种胃镜治疗技术的应用和相应器械。1 异物取出术 病人吞入异物多发生在牙齿缺损、反应迟钝、食道病变、老年痴呆等情况下。吞入的异物一般都能通过食道进入胃内。多
商鞅虽然用法苛刻,执法残忍,但却是赏罚有信,绝不欺民。正如一个人,虽然无情无义,但却是很讲信用。这正是法治的特点和优势,一切都摆在明处,决不在背后搞小动作。道德治 Sha
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