105岁了还在洗衣做饭,104岁了还在种菜拔草。在一个神奇的小岛上,80多岁的人能下湖打鱼,100多岁仍能去菜园种菜…… 若不是亲眼所见,记者简直感到不可思议。当记者见到105岁高龄的黄朝桂老奶奶时,简直不敢相信自己的眼睛,她正在湖边忙碌着洗衣服,她耳聪目明,对记者的问话对答如流;见到104岁的杨玉亭老人时,他正在菜园里忙着拔草;还有百岁老人在家门外生炉子煮卤鸡蛋……他们一生生活在一个神奇的小岛上。 记者日前驱车从武汉上武黄高速公
105-year-old is still washing and cooking, 104-year-old is still planting grass. In a magical island, people in their 80s can go fishing in the lake and they can go to the vegetable garden in their 100s ... If you do not see it with your own eyes, the reporter simply feels incredible. When reporters saw 105-year-old Huang Gui Gui granny, could not believe my eyes, she was busy washing the lake, she was clever, answering questions to reporters confidently; see 104-year-old Yang Yu-ting elderly, he is The garden is busy with weeding; there are centenarians cooking pots of boiled eggs outside the house ... They lived on a magical island for life. Recently, the reporter drove from Wuhan Wu Huang Expressway