The first series (Wang Mingming planning, edited by the editorial board series, published by Huaxia Publishing House) 1.Malinowski “. Culture”, Fei Xiaotong translation, Huaxia Publishing House, 2002.2. Raymond Firth. Type “, Fei Xiaotong translation, Huaxia Publishing House, 2002.3. Radcliffe Brown.” Social anthropology method “, translated by Xia Jianzhong, Huaxia Publishing House, 2002.4. Evans - Pritchard” Nuer “ Chu Jianfang Yan Shuchang Zhao Xudong translation, Huaxia Publishing House, 2002.5. Ma Lennuosiji. ”Western Pacific voyager", Liang Yongjia Li Shaoming translator Gao Bingzhong, Huaxia Publishing House, 2002.