1924年10月的广州商团叛乱,是帝国主义勾结中国封建买办势力,妄图推翻以孙中山为首的广东革命政府,破坏中国革命的严重反革命事件。孙中山在中国共产党、国民党左派和广大工农群众的支持下,平定商团叛乱,是巩固广东革命根据地的一项重大决策。 1924年国民党改组后,由于以国共两党合作为基础的革命统一战线的建立,工农革命群众运动的发展,使广东成为中国资产阶级民主革命的根据地和全国反帝反封建的中心。帝国主义和中国的封建买办势力为了破
The rebellion of the Guangzhou merchant group in October 1924 was a serious counterrevolutionary event in which the imperialists colluded with Chinese feudal comprador forces in an attempt to overthrow the revolutionary government in Guangdong led by Sun Yat-sen and undermine the Chinese revolution. Sun Yat-sen, with the support of the Chinese Communist Party, the left wing of the Kuomintang, and the broad masses of workers and peasants, pacified the group rebellion, which is a major policy of consolidating the revolutionary base areas in Guangdong. After the reorganization of the Kuomintang in 1924, the development of the mass movement of the workers and peasants as a result of the establishment of the revolutionary united front based on the cooperation between the KMT and the CPC made Guangdong a base for the bourgeois-democratic revolution in China and an anti-imperialist and anti-feudal center in China. Imperialism and China’s feudal and comprador forces were set to break